Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Important Tips to Write a Winning Tender Response

Tendering is one of the most popularly used systems through which both public and private sector organizations invite bids from interested suppliers or contractors for the completion of any large-scale project that require a considerable sum of investment. Each of these enterprises ideally has a well-defined process for tendering, which is used to govern its opening, assessment and the final selection.  Suppliers or contractors caneasily get the information about the tenders floating in the market through any of the best tender sites in India and subsequently participate in this process. 
Image result for best tender site in India

However, in order to secure a contract through this system, it is imperative for the suppliers to formulate a crisp and impressive tender response.  In this extremely competitive and rapidly evolving market, writing a successful tender could be quite a tricky task. As there are a number of companies competing for the same contract in this scenario, it becomes crucial for bidders to write an impressive tender that provides them an edge over their competitors.

Writing a tender response can often be quite a daunting task as it ideally requires a good understanding of the commissioning company and their requirements. After identifying a tender to participate in through one of the best tender sites in India, the bidders can use the following tips as a guideline to write a winning tender response:
  • Read and understand the tender specifications:  The bidders should read the tender documents with great care, and try to understand its minute specifications and details. They should identify the key elements of the tenders, such as the areas to be addressed in the response, the priorities of the buyer, the important deadlines, method of submitting the response, as well as the vital formatting guidelines.
  • Follow the templates provided: In the most number of cases, the tender documents additionally feature a specific response template design. This is especially common for the system of e-tendering. The template design basically includes certain sections that are required to be filled in by the bidders, and each of those sections usually has specific file formats and word limits. By following all these guidelines in a proper manner, the bidders can make sure that the tender review board does not face any inconveniences while evaluating their response.
  • Seek clarification: Even after getting the required information and details about a tender invitation through one of the best tender sites in India, bidders may still have certain doubts about its specifications. In such cases, they should raise their queries as soon as possible, as the deadline for clarifications is generally quite earlier than that of the final submission.  Bidders should specifically clarify the elements relating to bid eligibility, tender specifications and deadlines, in order to avoid any future discrepancies.
  • Be persuasive: While writing a tender response, bidders should try to be as persuasive and credible as possible so as to encourage the tender review team to consider their application. They should ideally lay emphasis on the prime advantages of the proposal in terms of how would it benefit the buyer. The bidders should underline that fact that they have all the necessary skills, staff, infrastructure, experience and certifications to efficiently fulfill the contract.
  • Carefully structure the response: While the best tender sites in India can provide the bidders with the specifications of a tender, it is up to the bidders to structure a response according to those details.  The bidders should keep their response well organized and crisp, rather than being too descriptive and beating around the bush.  The response should provide emphasis on the purpose, rationale and central proposition of the bid.

After identifying the tender that meets all their requirements through one of the best tender sites in India, prospective bidders can easily make use of the pointers mentioned above to write a winning response.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Facts to Keep In Mind While Bidding For Tenders

A competitive bidding procedure known as tendering is commonly used by both private and public sector enterprises across the globe. This system helps organizations to identify the most efficient contractor in the market for the completion of any large-scale project.  
Image result for tenders online australia
Majority of reputed enterprises of the world follow a specially designed bidding process for their tenders. This includes a meticulous system for governing the opening and evaluation of bids, as well as the final selection of contractors. Being a highly systematic and well-defined process, absolute transparency is maintained in the tendering system. As a result, it provides an opportunity to medium and small scale businesses to secure lucrative global contracts.

Local contactors having adequate infrastructure, experience, accreditation and skillset can easily win Denmark, Poland, Australia tenders, or some other international contract, and subsequently make a mark on the international market. However, before participating in the tendering process, it is imperative for the contractors to be well-versed with its important elements.

Here are some facts that contractors must take into consideration while participating in a tendering process:
  • After acquiring the Invitation to tender (ITT), the bidders need to formulate a response for it, which underlines how they shall deliver the contract. This response should ideally include the pricing proposals, along with the technical solutions offered by the contractor. The bidders must provide highly persuasive and well-defined response to the ITT that demonstrates the reasons that make them the best suited to the contract.
  • From the buyer’s perspective, the aim of any tendering process is to identify the most economically advantageous contractor. This simply means that the bidder offering the best quality of product at the lowest price would be awarded with the contract. The bidders must always keep this point in mind while formulating the tender response, and make their pricing proposal accordingly. They should also highlight the areas in which their company stands out from the competitors.
  • To avoid any risks related to transnational transactions while participating in international tenders, contractors must conduct a thorough market research to be assured of the reliability of the buyer. They should find out as much information as possible about their financial structure and stability.

Contractors can find information online about tenders issued in Australia, New Zealand, Poland, or some other part of the country quite easily by exploring any prominent website specializing in tender details.

Monday, 12 November 2018

The rules and laws governing Austria tenders

To understand the ways to successfully navigate through the rules and governing laws of the country’s public tender application, it is imperative to understand the local customs. Acceptance of the governing laws is crucial before applying, as there are very little chances where changes to contracts are allowed post-tender.

EU Directives, or the EU Commission, govern a majority of the infrastructure projects procured by federal agencies or utilities in the European Union (EU). These directives are now implemented under the national legislation, as they govern public procurement in each EU member state that stems from the same directives. Tender applicators that are not aware of the norms may get surprised by the subtle differences and sometimes similarities that may look familiar but are not. Forany country that is a part of the EU, these directives will also govern tenders from those countries, for example, Austria tenders, or even tenders for other countries within the Galicia region, say Ukraine or Poland tenders.

Tenders in Austria – rules and governing laws

Many infrastructure and utility project opportunities have emerged in Austria in recent years, making it one of the largest markets for such tenders. The Austrian Procurement Act defines the rules and the processes for public procurement of public authorities, public entities, and utility services.

The country offers a mature construction and infrastructure market for both conventional and contemporary established procured projects and contracting principles.
  1. To be eligible to bid on a tender in Austria, many companies should either have a local footprint or a trusted domestic partner, much before the tender is made public. For government tenders, bidders must meet reliability and availability prerequisites.
  2. The Austrian regulations regulate public procurement and the formal procedures which should be followed by public authorities during the procurement of goods and services.
  3. The basic principles for public procurement procedures in Austria are - free and fair competition and equal treatment of all candidates and tenders with context to community rules on fundamental freedoms and the principle of non-discrimination.
  4. The primary source of law for public tenders in Austria is the Public Procurement Act (Bundesvergabegesetz, BVergG) for both domestic and international agreements. Apart from this primary act, every region has its own laws.
  5. The Austrian Procurement Act distinguishes between open procedure (offense Verfahren), restricted procedure (nichtoffenesVerfahren), negotiated procedure (Verhandlungsverfahren), dynamic purchasing system (dynamischesBeschaffungssystem), competitive dialogue procedure (wettbewerblicher Dialog), direct award (Direktvergabe), and direct award with prior notification (DirektvergabemitvorherigerBekanntmachung). The bidding authorities are free to choose which procedure to apply for, with prior notification. Additional possibilities (e.g., limitation on procedures without prior notification, contracts were given through a framework agreement, directly offered to the bidder with/without prior notification) exist for under-limit public procurements (VergabenimUnterschwellenbereich). 
  6. There are no requisites for execution of contracts post-tender. The bidding authority is obliged to exclude bidders on the basis of lacking powers, financial, economic or technical capacity, or reliability.
The lesson for tenderers is, of course, to comply with the formalities as any failure to do so, no matter how small, is likely to result in exclusion from the tender.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Overview on the Tendering and Bidding Process and Advantages of this process

Tendering is a systematic process by which a number of commercial and government organizations invite bids for the completion of projects that require a large investment. The main objective of the tenders is to permit a company avail premium quality of products at an economical price range.  It also offers a platform to the small and medium scale business organizations to participate in international tenders and make their mark in the international market.

In order to take part in tenders, one needs to keep a track of the latest tender news and have a good knowledge about the tenders floating in the market. The private sector tenders can be found from:
  • Advertisements in both national and local newspapers
  • Building contacts through potential clients
  • Advertisements in professional and trade based magazines covering your business field
Besides this, the online portals also offer accurate and in depth information about the various tenders available in the market across the globe. This is perhaps the best way to gain information about global tenders such as Algeria tenders.

Mentioned below are the things to include in a tender bid
  • Focus on the fact that you have the suitable skills, knowledge, experience and infrastructure to meet the requirements of the clients.
  • Talk at length about the achievements of the company and put special emphasis on the specialties of the staff members
  • Ensure that you list all the apt achievements and qualifications in the qualification document
Advantages that the tendering system provides to buyers and suppliers
  • Suppliers offer the most economical deals to the buyers as in the tendering system several suppliers vie for the same contract. Via the tendering system buyers get the advantage of availing the best quality of products at the most cost-effective price.
  • Through the tendering procedure, the buyer can make sure that the chosen supplier will follow the regulatory necessities and strategies set by them.
  • In the tendering process, all the suppliers have an equal chance of winning the contract. As this system reduces any chances of preference or partiality, and ensures the maintenance of complete transparency, even the medium or small scale enterprises get a fair chance of expanding their business operations and get a profitable project through this system.
Participating in international tenders offers an exceptional opportunity to local business houses to develop their business. The unbiased system of tendering gives an assurance that even medium and small scale companies will get the chance to acquire Dubai, France, Spain or Algeria tenders or even those from other developed nations, if they can meet all the requirements that the buyer may have specified in the contract.

Friday, 12 October 2018

Key Characteristics of the Tendering System

Tendering is a well-organized and structured process that is used to invite bids for a procurement contract or the completion of a certain project. In this process, the bids are typically required to be submitted within a pre-specified deadline and the contract is subsequently awarded to the bidder charging the least sum of money for the most premium quality product.

Characteristics of the Tendering System 
  • Key tender request documents that comprise of the Requests for Proposal (RFP) and Requests for Tenders (RFT), essentially highlight the requirements and necessities of the buyer. These documents may also include any exclusive criteria or special instructions that would be required to be followed by the bidders.
  • Most tenders are widely advertised for an extensive period of time to provide ample chance to the qualified contractors in an industry to participate in it.
  • The tendering system is aimed at promoting healthy market competition, while providing the buyer with the benefit of making their choice from a large pool of contractors. 
  • All contractors interested in a tender would ideally be expected to prepare and submit their bids within a specified timeframe.
  • A tender bid typically underlines the key elements of the offer of the contractors, including their schedule, pricing, quality of raw material and their eligibility for the contract. In a lot of cases, through these bids, the contractors also try to demonstrate how their product or service can effectively meet the demands of the buyers.
  • As the evaluation of all bids is done on the basis of pre-defined criteria in the tendering system, there is no favoritism in this process.
Both large corporate houses and government organizations make use of the tendering system to ensure that their projects are completed with maximum efficiency at the most reasonable pricing. To participate in tenders issued by well-established organizations and successfully win their contracts, prospective bidders can choose to seek assistance of any firm that provides consultancy services for tenders. Apart from keeping the bidders informed of the various relevant tendering opportunities available, these firms also specialize in providing the bidders with expert guidance and assistance throughout the bidding cycle. People can easily explore the websites of the prominent enterprises providing consultancy services for tenders to acquire detailed, up-to-date and detailed information about both national and international tenders.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Important Elements of a Typical Tender Request

Tendering is a commonly used system through which prominent private and public sector organizations invite bids for the completion of projects that require a considerable sum of investment and are required to be completed within a scheduled deadline.
Tendering is quite a meticulous system in which a number of important documents and forms are involved. These documents help in maintaining an accurate record of the tendering procedure, as well as ensuring absolute transparency in the system. While some of the documents involved in tenders, be it Indian, Denmark, Sydney or Tanzania tenders, may differ from country to country, their key aspects ideally remain the same.

Here are some of the common elements of a typical tender request are as follows:
  • Particulars of Goods and Services to be acquired: This section features various particulars and technical specifications about the goods to be obtained through the system. These specifications may include the quality of raw materials, its quantity, and other necessities.
  • Tender Conditions: This section of a tender request includes various terms and conditions required to be met by the bidders, to be considered eligible for the relevant project. These conditions typically include information about the company infrastructure, its years of experience in the industry, qualifications of their staff, as well as its licenses and accreditations.
  • Criteria for Evaluation: This section features the various criteria based on which the tender submission shall be measured and evaluated. It is imperative that the bidders take into consideration these standards while preparing their tender submission.
  • Layout and Content of Submission: This portion of the tender request comprises of certain guidelines relating to the presentation length, file format, word count of the submissions, etc. These elements should be used as a guideline by the bidders while they prepare the tender submission.
  • Process Information and Rules: This section of the tender request features the important specifications, dates, and other details pertaining to the tender. These elements may include the submission schedule, deadline pricing information, etc.

Various infrastructural projects are underway in the countries belonging to the developing bracket. Hence, people can easily find Kenya, Nigeria or Tanzania tenders that are quite often floated in the market for the completion of these large-scale projects being developed there. To get detailed information about these tenders, interested contractors can easily visit any renowned online portal that features the details and specifications of various tenders floating in the global market.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Advantages & characteristics of tendering

A tender is a type of transaction model which is used by government bodies, large organizations, and companies to find contractors for procurements or projects. In fact, it is a bidding process which is used by public as well as private organizations. Usually the organizations use Requests for Tender which is commonly referred to as RTF to invite bids for projects, large procurements or contracts from all proficient suppliers or firms in a given industry. Usually, most of these projects include a major sum of money.

Whether you are applying for global tenders or domestic tenders, it is vital to match the specifications required by the buyer. Important characteristics of tenders are listed below:
  • The bid must include all the essential and applicable details about the materials to be used and the projected cost of the project, etc.
  • All prospective contractors and suppliers should submit their bids within the time frame as determined by the client.
  • The tendering process begins with an invitation to tender or a RTF.
  • All bids are evaluated by the client after the cut-off date has passed, on the basis of a set of given criteria for instance price and quality.
  • The process concludes with the public evaluation procedure, after which one of the firms that has submitted a bid becomes the winner.
  • Before they are floated by the client, tenders are widely publicized in a range of media, to allow all concerned suppliers a chance to bid for the project.
Advantages of Tendering
  • Tenders offer the maximum value for money from the point of view of the client. This is because the client has the liberty to select from a wide range of potential suppliers.
  • Tenders are assessed on detailed set criteria, such as price, quality, and value for money. This means that the firm providing the top quality product at the lowest price point has the chance to win the contract.
  • The tendering method makes it hassle-free for new firms to enter the market. This is because the contracts under this method are given on the basis of objective, predetermined criteria.
To know about the latest tenders you can browse through the website of a reputed online tendering portal as well as business magazines.